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Stress Relief Crystal Set
  • Stress Relief Crystal Set

    Studies have proven crystals can take away negative energy and replenish it with positive energy. Our Stress Relief Crystal set is perfect for anyone who is actively going through or healing from stressful situation. Each crystal set contains:


    Green Calcite - A outstanding amplifier and energy purifier. Great for dispelling negative energy and removing energy blockages within the body. Also great for attracting abundance and good fortune. 


    Rose Quartz - Often known as the "Stone of Universal Love". Great for healing the heart chakra and opens the heart to recieving and giving love. Rose Quartz are perfect for releasing stress and restoring balance.


    Red Jasper - Connected to the Root Chakra and can be reffered to as the grounding stone. This stone brings empowerment and strength to those who use it. The Red Japer is told to improve a person mental, confidence, courage, and balance.


    Angelite - Brings peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. Can improve communication and self - expression without anger or fear. It is told that the Angelite stone can help connect with God most Divine Angels or your Spirit Guides.


    Carnelian -  This stone is great for bringing motivation, energy, leadership, courage, and endurance.


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